The Growth Mindset!

The Growth Mindset!

It's not that I'm so smart, It's just that I stay with problems longer.

Albert Einstein.

This is from a Perfectionist's Perspective.

Life and challenges go hand in hand, we've all been there and let's admit it, you can't grow without challenges.

Everything worth learning comes with its challenges but Programming?? comes with errors, bugs, conflicts and worse of all?? "Imposter Syndrome!"(We'll get back to this).

Let's start from the top. "Do you have a growth mindset or a fixed mindset?"

This should give you a clear understanding;

The good news?? You have control over your mind and you can grow into either of these mindsets but let's face it, growth is harder and more uncomfortable!

Let's talk failure!

Last I checked, I don't have that word in my dictionary. It has been replaced with LESSONS. For a perfectionist, this has kept me sane and daring. I have found myself saying "I can learn" more than ever this year and it sure does get better to take up a new opportunity or learn a new programming language but it doesn't feel like it, trust me.

An article I read this week at Microverse says; "Fall in love with errors" REALLY??

Learning to code: Fall in love with errors.

Staying up all night trying to fix an error in your code is not a pleasant experience trust me, but I see these experiences as stories on the journey and the good part 'bout this? These errors eventually get solved, maybe after gaining eye bags. Pele.

I can't do it.

How to deal with a fixed mindset??, click the link below;

Techniques for developing a growth mindset to see failure and challenges constructively.

Last week was challenging but great for me, I learned loads of new things in React.js although, e remain small, I for ment!